The New Mamas Podcast
Host Lina Forrestal brings you the New Mamas Podcast, a space created to give first time moms a voice and to have honest and raw conversations about motherhood. Lina and her guests are normalizing conversations around traditionally taboo topics: post-partum depression, post-partum anxiety, surviving the newborn phase, body image issues, co-parenting, divorce, and more. This podcast is meant to feel like a big virtual hug for moms everywhere. Instagram: @linaforrestal @newmamaspodcast Contact: lina.forrestal@gmail.com
160 episodes
It's Been Hard Lately + I'M TAKING A PODCAST BREAK!
In this episode, Lina elaborates on how hard it's been coming back from maternity leave and juggling her 4-month old daughter. She discusses the challenges of exclusively breastfeeding, childcare costs, quitting her job (and how it's not gonna ...
Season 2
Episode 117

On Losing a Mom to Cancer While Becoming a Mother with Niki DeConcini
Niki became a mother and motherless in the same breath. Her journey to motherhood was filled with uncertainty and trauma when we went through recurrent pregnancy loss and learning that her mom was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer at the sam...
Season 2
Episode 116

What It's Like Having a Toddler and a Newborn with Linnea
Lina and Linnea gave birth around the same time and both have toddlers and newborns. They have a fun and dynamic friend catch-up about having two young kids. In this episode they talk about:Division of labor between par...
Season 2
Episode 115

Coparenting After Divorce with Mikki Gardener
Almost 60% of marriages end in divorce. Mikki checked every box to guarantee a happy life- but what felt like an instant the life she thought she had was gone. Divorce was the healthiest option for their relationship. Parenting can be alienatin...
Season 2
Episode 114

My Postpartum Doula and I Recap the Last 3 Months of Working Together
Lina hired her postpartum doula, Katie, to aid her in her first few months postpartum with her second baby, Evelyn. In this episode, Lina and Katie have an informal chat on what it was like working together. This is a great episode for anyone w...
Season 2
Episode 113

Trad Wives, Faerie Smut, and The Sicilian Inheritance with Jo Piazza
In this episode, Lina invites bestselling author and podcaster Jo Piazza on to discuss trad wives and why they are problematic for our nation's youth. In this episode, they talk about:...
Season 2
Episode 112

Just Chatting: Thoughts on Going Back to Work, Childcare ($$$), & How I'm Managing as a Mom of 2
In this episode, Lina gives a 3 month postpartum update. Just Chatting episodes are meant to emulate a your mom bestie leaving you a long voice note. In this episode Lina talks about:How her maternity leave is ending and her thought...
Season 2
Episode 111

Trad Wives and Feminism with Katie DeGroot
Katherine is a creative homemaker and mom of four. While she doesn't identify as a "trad wife", she believes that by other people's standards she would be considered one. Lina and ...
Season 1
Episode 110

Discriminated by American Airlines for Breastfeeding in Public with Ashley Copperstone
Have to breastfeed on American Airlines? Think again. When first-time mom Ashley Copperstone was flying out of Grand Rapics, MI she didn't think twice when she was breastfeeding her daughter at the gate. It's something a lot of us moms do, espe...
Season 2
Episode 109

Take BACK Control of Your Life After Losing Yourself in Motherhood with Former Superior Court Judge Shelyna Brown
"Life is not happening to you but FOR you." A lot of us lose ourselves in motherhood. In Lina's conversation with former Superior Court Judge Shelyna Brown, they discuss how you can come back to yours...
Season 2
Episode 108

Just Chatting: What I LOVE About Motherhood and Marriage + Listener Thoughts
Happy Valentine's Day! In this special episode, Lina shares what she LOVES most about motherhood and marriage and also shares what YOU said you love too! If you want to contribute to the listener feedback episodes, give Lina a follow on Instagr...
Season 2
Episode 107

Jealousy and Comparison in Motherhood with Twin Mom Engrid Latina
Host Lina Forrestal and her friend and fellow podcaster Engrid Latina sit down for a thought-provoking chit chat about jealousy and comparison in motherhood. Engrid Latina is a personal trainer and strength coach (CSCS) based out ...
Season 2
Episode 106

Pregnancy Loss, Postpartum Depression, and a Test of Faith with Kyla Sapp
Season 2
Episode 105

Just Chatting: Part 2 of My Newborn Stage Experience & Reacting to the Kyte Baby Controversy with Alyssa Bolanos
In this episode, Lina mentions a few more things about her postpartum experience so far that she forgot to mention in the last recap episode. She also breaks down the Kyte Baby controversy with her friend Alyssa Bolanos. Check out N...
Season 2
Episode 105

Just Chatting: What My Last 7 Weeks of Newborn Life Have Been Like
In this episode, Lina talks about how her postpartum experience is going so far: how her mental health has been and how she's been juggling newborn life with a toddler in tow.
Season 2
Episode 104

All the Thoughts and Feelings of Unexpectedly Becoming a SAHM with Brittani Cannata
23-year-old Brittani got pregnant unexpectedly with her daughter. While she is the best thing Brittani could ever ask for, new motherhood was a difficult adjustment. She worked in an OBGYN when she got pregnant and loved her job, but due to lac...
Season 2
Episode 103

How to Get Your Body Moving Again Postpartum with Twin Mom and Personal Trainer Engrid Latina (CSCS)
In this episode, Lina and twin mom Engrid Latina talk about getting moving again after having a baby (or two)! As a mom of twin toddlers, she understands the challenges and changes that come with postpartum recovery and curated a
Season 2

MY BIRTH STORY!! + My Doula Jenna Toulantis & Hospital Audio From My Birth
In this SPECIAL episode, Lina Forrestal tells her positive birth story with her doula, Jenna Toulantis. Jenna helps recount the story from her perspective, adding in professional explana...
Season 2
Episode 102

Having a Positive Home Birth Experience with Julissa Edwards
After Julissa delivered her first baby in the hospital, she decided she wanted a more natural experience and sought to have a home birth. After working with a team of professionals, she designed a home birth and safely welcomed her second child...
Season 2
Episode 101

My Postpartum Doula Tells All - Katie from Life in Bloom Wellness
My daughter, Evelyn, was born last week on November 27th! I recorded this episode with my postpartum doula, Katie, back in October. I'm super excited for her to start with our family next week!&...
Season 2
Episode 100

Mom Hacks for Making the Holidays Less Overwhelming + Gift Ideas for Kids and Husbands with Mariela from Mama Wears Athleisure Podcast
In this special Holiday themed episode, host Lina Forrestal is joined by Mariela de Santiago of Mama Wears Athleisure Podcast and they share tips and tricks for minimizing Holiday ove...
Season 2
Episode 99

Just Chatting: 37 Week Update, Friends Disappearing After Becoming A Mom, Induction Date, and Feeling Excited for Christmas
Hello friends! I'm excited to share this bonus solo-episode with you all. The truth is I miss uploading twice a week, it was so fun to be able to talk to you more often about the things I care about and the things going through my mind! I hope ...
Season 2
Episode 98

Dangerous Baby Products Parents Should Avoid with Consumer Reports Baby Safety Leads: Ashita Kapoor and Oriene Shin
With the holidays just around the corner, Lina sits down with the Consumer Reports Baby Safety team to discuss which baby products parents should avoid purchasing for their little ones or as...
Season 2
Episode 97

Practical Tips for Preparing Your Toddler (and Partner) for Baby Number 2 with Stephanie Agnew
In this episode, host Lina Forrestal participates in a LIVE COACHING SESSION with Parenting Coach, Stephanie Agnew of Parents Place which ...
Season 2
Episode 96

UNHINGED Mom Rants with "Honest as a Mother" Amanda Gurman (+ Listener Rants)
[RATED EXPLICIT] This episode has some explicit language! If you have little ones around it might be a good idea to pop in headphones or listen to it at another time :)In this episode, Lina and
Season 2
Episode 95