The New Mamas Podcast
Host Lina Forrestal brings you the New Mamas Podcast, a space created to give first time moms a voice and to have honest and raw conversations about motherhood. Lina and her guests are normalizing conversations around traditionally taboo topics: post-partum depression, post-partum anxiety, surviving the newborn phase, body image issues, co-parenting, divorce, and more. This podcast is meant to feel like a big virtual hug for moms everywhere. Instagram: @linaforrestal @newmamaspodcast Contact: lina.forrestal@gmail.com
The New Mamas Podcast
On Losing a Mom to Cancer While Becoming a Mother with Niki DeConcini
Niki became a mother and motherless in the same breath. Her journey to motherhood was filled with uncertainty and trauma when we went through recurrent pregnancy loss and learning that her mom was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer at the same time.
She is a wife and mom of two living in Minnesota. She is a business owner by day, a podcaster by night, and a dedicated mom 24/7. When she finally got her triple rainbow baby pregnancy, my mom’s cancer progressed and she lost her when she was just 5 weeks postpartum. Years of grief and loss shaped her motherhood journey and how she choose to put turn that pain to purpose. It’s one of the many reasons she started her podcast: Moms of the Night
Connect with Niki: @momsofthenightpodcast
Moms of the Night, is a space to help combat loneliness in motherhood. The podcast brings together moms to share stories, vulnerable conversations, and uplifting messages. Unlike many parenting podcasts, there's no experts, or advice to add to the overwhelm - just moments for all of us to sit in solidarity as we live out our motherhood journeys.
Connect with Lina on @linaforrestal on Instagram
Follow the @newmamaspodcast on Instagram
Read Lina's Blog: www.linaforrestal.com
Support the Show: Buy Me a Coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/newmamaspodcast)